Online Training Request Form
Below is the online form to request further details of the training we offer, once we receive this information an email will be sent with the relevant information and with the option to book your training course with us.
On Customer Premises Training Request Form
Definitions of Experience
A novice course is designed for delegates who are brand new and have very little experience in their field. Novice courses do vary in duration depending on the qualification, number of delegates sitting the course and also if the qualification is going to be restricted for any reason.
Existing or Experienced
An existing or experienced course is designed for delegates who have experience or are already using a piece of equipment within the workplace but have received no formal training, the duration is reduced due to the delegate already having some experience.
This type of training is designed for a delegate to convert onto a similar machine that they are already qualified in, The delegates qualification must be in date to convert onto a different machine, for example to convert from a Counterbalance Lift Truck to a Reach Truck their Counterbalance Lift Truck qualification must be in date, we will require a copy of their certificate to conduct conversion training.
Refresher training is designed for delegates to refresh their current qualifications whether expiring or already expired, we will require copies of their current or previous certificate to refresh that qualification, without a copy of it we will not be able to refresh and the delegate may be required to sit an experienced course.
Experienced Worker Test (NPORS ONLY)
An experienced worker test is what it says on the tin, it is a test only, a number of NPORS categories can be gained by successful delegates passing the tests in their chosen category, a profile form will need to be completed prior to training, this will determine whether the delegate is able to sit the EWT route.

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